Monday, 21 May 2007

Spring Party Season

Parties are being planned left right and centre at the moment. Parents are thinking well ahead for their children's birthdays and I wonder how they can possibly be so well organised?

I recently read that the annual spend on children was £119 million last year or was it billions? Whatever, it's a whopping amount of money. Although I feel like most of that is spent by us on school fees I wonder what people are buying children? How do people get the time to go shopping with their children?( I can rarely find a pair of socks for them that would be suitable enough to be seen in public...oh, they're all clean, don't get me wrong, but finding them, that's a skill I don't have)

But of course the internet opens up a whole new world. Marks and Spencers is no longer 45 minutes away from our house, just one click and new knickers arrive the next day, it's truly remarkable.

I did think most of my business would come from the internet, but it seems that so many mum's just don't even have time to go online anymore. They manage to get everything perfectly planned in their minds and make the phone calls to organise it in between all the motherly duties! I have had phone calls at 9pm on a Saturday night and even on a Sunday at Lunchtime. Rarely will a customer manage to phone me without their child chatting away in the background. Our children drive us to distraction and give us no free time, yet we indulge every whim we can for them and spend oodles of cash in the blink of an eye.

Outrageous party I've heard of this month?

It all started at Cadbury's Chocolate World in the Midlands, followed by tea at Pizza Hut. A sleepover followed the pizza. In the morning it was MacDonalds for breakfast and a trip to the cinema!! What will happen next year for the 10th Birthday Party I wonder?

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