I think most of it has revolved around washing endless pairs of pink pants (darling husband will just have to change his ways) and trying to search for bits of school uniform that is still ok.
I'm putting off shopping for shoes, I know I need to buy 8 pairs of shoes/trainers for the girls and I could certainly do with some new ones.
I am also putting off going to the school shop. Daughter number 1 has a habit of losing bits and pieces, mobile phones, especially expensive bits of uniform. Sometimes it appears the day after I've bought a replacement and the total denials and incredulous surprise that flows from her is pretty impressive.
I think I'm trying to leave it all because trying to get my head around three completely different sets of things is tricky. I have one in Nursery, one in Primary and one in Senior School. I also sigh at the huge cost of school fees, but then see how much our daughter gets from it all and know it's worth it.
Really I think I just need a good nights sleep and a whole day without cooking, washing (clothes, not me)and My Chemical Romance. I might just pour myself a large Pimms and go and tickle my pigs.